September 01, 2010

[Guest Post] Five Reasons to Use Math Games For Kids

Thomas Brand is a father of 2 girls who needed his guidance and love to learn math, he helps other parents find effective, fun teaching products that help children master the basics of math. Thomas Brand is the founder of and you can read more of his tips there.

Thomas has compiled a list of the top 5 reasons why parents should use math games for their kids:
  1. Math games introduce the subject and different math types to kids in a fun and interactive way, which makes it less intimidating and easy to understand and memorize.
  2. Math games encourage critical, analytic thinking and problem-solving, as well as the mathematical basics of addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.
  3. Math games show the significance of math and reveal to kids that they are using math in ways they never thought of.
  4. Math games can require working as a group. This teaches kids about teamwork, cooperation and supporting each other toward a common goal.
  5. Math games provide relevance for the subject, and breakdown concepts into tangible examples. Games also can require strategical thinking, which makes the players more active participants, than when they simply are doing worksheets. 
[Article link]