August 04, 2010

An idle mind is the devil's workshop!

Parents know it the hard way: an idle mind is the devil's workshop, and if you do not keep your kids busy doing something constructive, you should not blame anyone else for what havoc they will wreck! Studies and researches have proven that family involvement improves kids’ success at school.

Lately, I’ve spent some time searching for online websites that A) would keep my little daughter busy during her summer holiday, and B) help her improve her math skills. A parent can either surrender to the internet era and let his/her kids play math games online, or choose some mazes, puzzles and exercises to print them out for those youngsters to solve, colorize and most of all.

In this blog, I shall document my "math games findings", and occasionally I'll advise you to buy some ebooks that parents can purchase and later on print out from their computers the exercises included in those files for their little ones to enjoy. Hopefully, in doing so, our kids will become busy at something useful, enjoyable, and mostly educational. Let's begin.