October 08, 2011

Absolute Must – Android Education App

From reading to math, exams to presentations, the newly launched Android Application called Flash Card Maker Pro ($4.99) can help children organize their thoughts and build their brain.

Jeffrey Austin White, founder of Great White Software, LLC, and creator of Flash Card Maker Pro, originally made the flashcard application for his six-year-old daughter to help her learn her first grade sight words.

The application has since been expanded to assist users of all ages in a variety of ways including: learning new languages, practicing vocabulary, memorizing facts, organizing thoughts, or preparing for examinations.

"I am surprised by the stories that I receive from the users of my flash cards app. When I learn about new ways in which Flash Card Maker Pro has made a difference in someone's life, it inspires me," said White.

White has received stories from parents on how this application has helped their children with learning disabilities and personal accounts from firefighters, military personnel, doctors and pilots that have used the app to memorize safety procedures and operating protocols. "I am constantly amazed by the creativity and innovation of the users," said White. "It drives me to think about the possibilities."